Saturday, September 16, 2006

Been out of the Blog Loop Lately

Just wanted to say . . I'm Baaaacccckkkk.

It's been a long summer and I have been extremely negligent in my blogging.

First, we went on vacation, then we had the house painted. In addition I given in to my Big Brother addiction. Yes, I am going through withdrawal - but in all honesty, I'm glad it's over. My other reality shows don't take up as much time, because they don't have live feeds. I have just realized, I love to spy on people - Oh (Big) Brother !!!!

I've reconnected with the family, I'm getting my laundry done, I have returned to a normal work schedule. Yes, I had it bad !!!!!!


A Flowered Purse said...

Welcome back!!!!!!!!!
love you

The Curl said...

welcome back also, i gotta blog too. i like reading your blogs.

later, curl