Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Good old Golden Rule Days

A collective sigh of relief, and some cheering and hollering can be heard today across the city, as school begins.
I however, feel differently. I'm always sad when the kids go back to school, for it means the end of summer. I like kids around, for they make me feel better (for what reason, I don't know.) The house is too quiet when kids are in school, and I'm not even here - I'm at work. Someone with a psychology degree out there, figure that one out.
The only thing I like about this time of year is looking forward to the new TV season and basketball - WOW !!!!
I absolutely hate Nov, Dec & Jan, because they are typically cloudy, cold and gloomy. Did I mention Cloudy? Not looking forward to them at all.
Give me summer all the time - please.
For all you kiddies out there - Sorry this marks the end of your vacation - and have a wonderful school year.


the curl said...

I know!!! I hear those cricket/jar bugs start singing the end of summer, it starts getting darker much sooner and , after the KY State Fair, its REALLY the end of Summer. I LOVE SUMMER! I want to move where it is Summer most of the time! I really do. I grieve the loss of summer. I want to enjoy all the seasons, but I DON'T!!!! Spring is the BEST b/c Summer's comin!!!

the curl said...

Oh, and by the way, where did you get that graphic, ha ha. I think I designed it!!! Scary people out there

Lighthousegal said...

I hate seeing summer end also. Winter is so depressing, going to work in darkness and coming home in darkness. YUCK. The snow can be beautiful on the ground, but then it is troublesome to get around it too. We all just need to move south.
And yes, be careful what pics you post those people are just waiting to come out of the woodwork.