Monday, January 30, 2006

Good Morning all. I posted this picture because of my daughter Dianna. She has slowed down on her computering and she says her house is cleaner. There you go nanna.

It's Monday and I am getting ready to jump in the shower and head to work. This is a short week, and by that I mean - I have Friday off. I love the long weekends.

Well, I'm trying to break some of my smoking habits, and I will have to say that this is going to be harder than expected. I'm already grumpy from smoking in the garage. Can you imagine what it's going to be once the nicotine stops. I would have normally had one or two cigarettes just from typing to you guys (girls).

Special Note to Lemon Deb. I want to check out our blog, but form some reason I can't access it. I guess I need a direct link. When I go to respond, it takes me back to my own profile. I already know about me-self, just want to stop by and say howdy. I've been successful in responding to Linney and all, but don't know how I did it. Some of them there blogging whipper-snappers need to come over and teach me a lesson. Hmm maybe that's give me a lesson. Oh well - show me how.

Off to work folks. . . .
"Just another manic Monday"

1 comment:

A Flowered Purse said...

LOL On that Thanks mommy!!!!!!! ill write you in email with a direct link to debs blog!
love you