Thursday, May 18, 2006

My Anthony

Anthony is growing at such a rapid pace. He is 14 years old now, and looks so much like his dad, that it isn’t even funny. He and Juanie spent the night last weekend, and I have to say, I enjoyed their visit so much.

Anthony so wants to play basketball in high school. I was in the garage as Anthony was shooting some hoops. It was just me and him. He showed me his special dribbling abilities and how he shoots the basketball. He wants to attend a Basketball camp put on by Rick Pitino. Together, we looked it up on line and found out how much it was. Expensive it is - $300 for one week. I wish I could afford to send him. Maybe next year. I told him I would get him some weights so he could start working out. He so wants to fulfill his basketball dream, and I would love to help him succeed. He tells me that when he plays for U of L he will get me front row tickets. Have you ever just wanted something for someone so much that you wish you had a magic wand and could wave it and make it happen. That’s my dream for my oldest Grandson. Anthony is every so special.

Anthony has a very, very sweet disposition. He told me several times this weekend that he wanted to do something that he and I could do together. He wanted me to play Risk with him and the twins. I told him that I didn’t know the first thing about Risk, and maybe we could play something else. We never did come to an agreement, but the fact that he wanted to do something with me as a participant was very heartwarming. I’m going to make it a point to learn the game of Risk.

We all watched the movie Kong together, and it was good. Anthony had seen it, but when it came to the part where Kong dies, Anthony left the room. I know he was touched by the movie and didn’t want to show emotion in front of his friends. He is a very sensitive child.

Anthony is such a special person who loves his granny, and his granny loves him right back. I could not have asked for a better Mother’s day because I woke up with two special boys at my house.


The Curl said...

Anthony is also "one of the many apples of his great aunt's eyes" I loved when you guys lived down the street, and we got to see him more. He is so sweet also and so smart! You are a very lucky granny indeed, with all three of Dianna's kids. Anthony has so much going for him and he will be successful whatever he does and will have all his fam members cheering him on with all their love and support, no matter what! He's a great, great kid.

A Flowered Purse said...

Aw that was good, he read part of that over my shoulder and i think hes embarrassed now LOL
Thanks momma

Gloria said...

The LAST thing I want to do is embarass him. . . Waaaaaaaaa.

He's soooo special.

L. Eubanks said...

I love my Antho! I used to rock him to sleep. He was one of the first babies in the family that I was able to spend time with. I wish the other kids lived closer, like he did. I am looking forward to having the boys over this weekend!

Gloria said...

Linney - enjoy them - they are truly special boys. Each different, but ever so special. Have fun !!!! Give them a hug for granny.

Curl - you are right, no matter what he does it will be successful. When he talks of something he wants to do (like basketball) his face is all lit up. Makes me want to run out and make it happen.