Saturday, February 11, 2006

Fast Forward - Again

Now it's Saturday again, and you all know what that means - More laundry.
Today is a little more hectic though. Michael has a doctor's appointment this morning. The piano tuner is coming. Markie and I are going to the movies (No not Doris Day) and I have to work on the Laundry and clean my downstairs. U of L is playing (great).

Once again there was a promise of snow, but we didn't get any. Bummer.

I start classes again on Tuesday and it seem the last one just finished up. I'm not sure where the week went.

Work was absolutely wild this week, and I cannot share those stories. I read somewhere that someone was fired for stuff they put on their blog. I'm not going to do that, but take my word for it there is NEVER a dull moment in the field of Human (or lack thereof) Resources. Let's just say that my returning boss is ready to pack his bags and head back home. Noooooooooo. Not really, but it's been a busy week for him. (poor guy).

How's that for a little color to an otherwise boring blog?

"with the thoughts i'd be thinkin, I could be another Lincoln, if I only had a brain."

1 comment:

A Flowered Purse said...

not boring at all momma!! Have a great week Momma! A less crazy week!
love you