Wednesday, February 08, 2006

YEA, Performances on AI begin Today

I love American Idol, and I am so glad that the actual performance begins tonight, and that those auditions are finally OVER. They are fun to watch, but I like when it's down to 12 and everyone starts to show their stuff. I'm also glad that AI comes on in January because it sure does take the edge off winter.

In addition - I recently got TiVO and I love it. It's great !!!!!!!!!

Not much going on here today, but I'm off to watch my TiVO'd soap opera.

Note to Linney: The theme for this years pool party is also going to be Hats and sack lunches. Michael L. says he already has his hat. So start planning, and remember only one rule. No sharp objects.

Nanna - you can always be my pool buddy. However, Juanie is going to be my pool maintenance guy. I'm trying to teach him everything about taking care of it. You know he and I are the first ones in and the last ones out. He's my helper bud, and he does a fine job helping his granny out.

1 comment:

A Flowered Purse said...

I can't wait for live performances and POOOOOOOOL time :)